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Member Spotlight

Mente Bezuneh

Company: Mentopia Productions 

Member Since: 2024



Are you a morning or a night person?

I'm definitely more of a night person. There's just something about the quiet hours after everyone else has gone to bed that really sparks my creativity. It's like my brain comes alive when the world around me is still. Plus, it's the perfect time to tackle editing tasks or dive into creative projects without any distractions. So, yeah, you'll often find me burning the midnight oil and embracing the tranquility of the night.

What was your inspiration for becoming a part of the wedding industry?

My inspiration for joining the wedding industry stems from my love for stories. I just love the intricate process of how stories unfold, how they're woven together, captured, and ultimately passed down through generations. When it comes to weddings, I see each one as a unique narrative waiting to be told. It's like solving a puzzle, piecing together the moments of a couple's special day to create a compelling and engaging story. Whether that is in film or stills.

Weddings are ultimately intimate and emotional occasions, filled with love, joy, and heartfelt moments. Being able to document these moments is a privilege. I thrive on the challenge of capturing the essence of the day in a way that not only makes sense but also resonates deeply with the couple and their loved ones.

I’m a filmmaker by heart. And just like filmmaking, weddings are a result of a collaborative effort, with various vendors working together as a cohesive team to create something truly exceptional. Being a part of this collaborative process, contributing my skills to help make the day as memorable as possible, is incredibly rewarding.

And of course, if a few tears are shed when the final film is revealed, well, that's the ultimate validation of success in my book! Or goosebumps, I’ll take that too hahaha. There's something incredibly gratifying about knowing that my work has touched people on such a profound level.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

My favorite childhood memory would have to be the morning walks to school with my mom and little brother. Each day, she’d get up before all of us and bustle around the house, ensuring everything was in order for the day ahead. She'd pack our lunch, ensure we eat our breakfast, and make sure our school supplies were all packed up before it was time to head out.

The walk to school took a good half an hour or so. As we strolled through the neighborhood, she'd tell us stories, share life wisdom, and stop multiple times to interact with neighbors. I grew up thinking my mom was famous; everyone wanted to talk to her. I can still feel the reassuring grip of her hand, holding onto us tightly to keep us safe and on track.

After she dropped us off, it felt like the blink of an eye before the day was over, and she was there again, waiting for us with that same smile. The walk back home was filled with laughter, chatter, and the occasional treat from street vendors, all while my mom carried our backpacks and held our hands.

Those morning walks weren't just about getting to school; but they were about bonding, sharing, and creating lasting memories as a family. Looking back, those moments were truly the best times ever, filled with love, warmth, and the simple joys of childhood.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

The best advice I ever stumbled upon wasn't actually directed at me, but it's stuck with me ever since I found it. President Ronald Reagan said, "There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit."

Think about it – it's like a golden rule for life. For me, it's all about giving it your all, not for the spotlight, but for the personal satisfaction of knowing you've done your best. Especially in our industry, it's the teamwork that makes the dream work. I believe when I give it my all, I'm confident the results will speak for themselves.

What is your most favorite vacation spot?

Paris is my top pick. Sure, it's been getting pretty crowded lately, but I can't resist its charm. What I adore most is how walkable it is. You can stroll around for hours, soaking up the atmosphere and discovering hidden gems. So much art all around, beautiful weather and awesome people.

And let's talk about those outdoor coffee shops! There's nothing quite like sipping a latte in the morning, enjoying the sunshine while catching up with a friend. And don't even get me started on the pastries – absolute heaven! Paris truly has it all for a perfect getaway.

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